Last updated on January 1, 2024

Your privacy is important to us. PlanGlobal Systems., its subsidiaries and affiliates (“PlanGlobal“ or “us“ or “we“ or “our”) are committed to maintaining the privacy, security and accuracy of the personal information that we collect, use and disclose in accordance with applicable legislation. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy“) is a statement of principles and guidelines concerning the protection of personal information of our individual clients, individual service providers and other individuals (“you“) (with the exception of our personnel, whose personal information is collected, used and disclosed in accordance with our Personnel Privacy Policy).


BY SUBMITTING PERSONAL INFORMATION TO PLANGLOBAL OR ITS AGENTS, YOU AGREE THAT WE MAY COLLECT, USE AND DISCLOSE SUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PRIVACY POLICY, THE PRIVACY PREFERENCES YOU HAVE MADE KNOWN TO US AND AS PERMITTED OR REQUIRED BY LAW. Subject to legal and contractual requirements, you may refuse or withdraw your consent to certain of the identified purposes at any time by contacting us. If you refuse or withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you or continue to provide you with certain services or information that may be of value to you.

1. Who are we?

PlanGlobal is an established provider of energy industry software solutions. The Planglobal software was created to provide an integrated facility and well data management solution for upstream and midstream energy companies. Our system creates a more collaborative work environment for operations, management, marketing, and engineering to maximize the availability of assets in the field.

2. What personal information do we collect?

Canadian privacy legislation defines personal information broadly as information about “an identifiable individual” or as information that allows an individual to be identified. The types of personal information that we may collect from you from time to time may include but is not limited to: your name, telephone number, corporate role, and business e-mail address. In addition, from time to time, we may ask you to provide us with more detailed information regarding alternative contact information. For example, on-call cellular numbers when working on shift in a plant setting.

3. Why do we collect your personal information?

We collect your personal information for the purposes listed below:

(a) To provide the product, service, or information you requested

If you are a customer of one of our services, we use your name, telephone number(s) and e-mail address to deliver the product, service, or information you requested (including any services being provided to you through utilization of third-party software).

(b) Other purposes

In addition, from time to time, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to detect and protect PlanGlobal and other third parties against error, fraud, theft and other illegal activity, and to audit compliance with PlanGlobal policies and contractual obligations;

  • to understand your needs and preferences, including to contact and communicate with you and to conduct surveys, research and evaluations;

  • to engage in business transactions, including the purchase, sale, lease, merger, amalgamation or any other type of acquisition, disposal, securitization or financing involving PlanGlobal;

  • to comply with applicable federal or provincial laws;

  • to comply with requests from regulators, government entities and official inquiries; and

  • for any other purpose we may indicate to you from time to time.

4. To whom do we disclose your personal information?

We may disclose your personal information to the following third parties in the following circumstances:

  • (a) Disclosure to Service Providers We may disclose your personal information to other companies that provide services on our behalf, including label printers, invoice printers, fulfillment contractors, auditors, our software developers (including website developers and hosts), data processing, document management and office services. We may log certain information concerning your use of our products and services, and such information may be compiled as statistical information to be supplied to such service providers to help them understand the likes, dislikes, trends, habits, and behaviour of the users of our products and services. We will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.

  • (b) Disclosure to Affiliates and Business Units We may disclose your personal information to any of the companies and business units that form part of PlanGlobal (i.e., amongst PlanGlobal Solutions Ltd., its subsidiaries, and affiliates) to serve you better and to provide you with information about our group’s products and services.

  •  (c) Disclosure in Business Transfers PlanGlobal may be involved in the sale or transfer of some or all its business. As part of that sale or transfer, PlanGlobal may disclose your personal information to the acquiring organization but will require the acquiring organization to agree to protect the privacy of your personal information in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

  • (d) Law Enforcement and Legal Disclosure PlanGlobal may disclose your personal information to a government institution that has asserted its lawful authority to obtain the information or where PlanGlobal has reasonable grounds to believe the information could be useful in the investigation of unlawful activity, or to comply with a subpoena or warrant or an order made by a court, person or body with jurisdiction to compel the production of information, or to comply with court rules regarding the production of records and information, or to PlanGlobal’s legal counsel.

If you would prefer for us NOT to share your information as described above in sections 4(a)-4(d), simply inform us (see “Contact Us” below).

We respect your privacy, and we are committed to protecting your personal information. We do not sell or disclose your personal information to third parties unless you give us your express consent. We also ensure that our service providers, who help us store, process and deliver our services, do not sell, or disclose your personal information, including in aggregated and de-identified form, to third parties unless you give us your express consent.

5. Control of your personal information
At PlanGlobal, we want you to be able to maintain control over how we use your personal information. In particular:

  • You may have the right to “opt out” of some or all the identified purposes, uses and disclosures listed in sections 4 and 5 above.

  • You always have the option to instruct us not to use your name, address, e-mail address, betc. beyond providing you with the product, service, or information you requested. See “Contact Us” below.

  • E-mail communications will always include an identification of the sender.

As mentioned above, we may not be able to provide you with our services if you withdraw your consent to our use of your personal information.

6. Where is your personal information stored?

Your personal information is stored in secured locations and on servers controlled by PlanGlobal, located either at our offices or at the offices of our service providers. For access to your personal information, please contact our Chief Privacy Officer using the contact information in the “Contact Us” section below.

7. How can you access your personal information?

Upon written request, subject to certain exceptions, PlanGlobal will inform you of the existence, use, and disclosure of your personal information and will give you access to that information. You may request a correction or deletion of any personal information that you have provided to us. We may not accommodate a request to change or delete information if we believe that the change or deletion would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect.

We may request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and your right to access, and to provide you with the personal information that we hold about you or make your requested changes. Applicable law may allow or require us to refuse to provide you with access to some or all of the personal information that we hold about you, or we may have destroyed or made your personal information anonymous in accordance with our record retention obligations and practices.

Access requests should be sent to our Chief Privacy Officer, using the contact information in the “Contact Us” section below.

8. How do we protect your personal information?

We make every reasonable effort to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of personal information under our control. Our security policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary.

Only authorized employees and suppliers have access to your personal information. Where information is sent to a third party for processing, we make sure, through our contracts with them, that all your information is kept secure. We use encryption to secure your data both in transit and at rest, following industry accepted standards, strong encryption techniques, and current security protocols. We keep your information for the time we are providing you with a product or service, and your information is securely destroyed thereafter.

We operate secure data networks protected by industry standard firewall and password protection systems. We do not collect personal information from bulletin boards or forums. However, we cannot guarantee that personal information voluntarily disclosed in chat rooms or discussion boards will not be collected and used by others, which may result in unsolicited messages to you from other parties.

9. How do we notify you in the event of a security breach?

We will promptly and properly notify customers, partners, users, affected parties, and regulatory agencies of relevant incidents or breaches in accordance with PlanGlobal’s contractual commitments, and regulatory requirements.

10. Privacy and our websites

PlanGlobal sometimes collects personal information through its various websites. In this section, we provide you with additional information regarding such collection.

Cookies – When an individual visitor accesses the PlanGlobal websites, we may use a browser feature called a “cookie” to collect information such as the type of Internet browser and operating system the visitor uses, the domain name of the websites from which the visitor came, date and duration of the visit, number of visits, average time spent on our websites, pages viewed, and number of cookies accumulated. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that identifies the visitor’s browser, but not necessarily the visitor, to our computers each time our websites are visited. Unless a visitor specifically informs us (e.g., by enrolling for our services or sending us correspondence from the websites), we will not know who the individual visitors are. In addition to the identified purposes described in our Privacy Policy, we may use this website information and share it with other organizations with whom we have a commercial relationship to measure the use of our websites and to improve the functionality and content of the websites. Visitors can reset their browsers either to notify them when they have received a cookie or refuse to accept cookies. However, if a visitor refuses to accept cookies, he or she may not be able to use some of the features available on our websites.

Metadata – We collect metadata from your use of our services, such as the time, duration, and frequency of your interactions. Metadata is data that describes other data, such as the source, location, or format of the data. We use metadata to improve our services, analyze user behavior, and provide personalized recommendations. We do not use or disclose metadata in a way that would identify you as an individual or reveal any personal information about you. We also do not share metadata with any third parties, unless required by law or with your consent.

Online Communications – In order to provide our website visitors with a product, service or information, visitors may voluntarily submit personal information to us for purposes such as asking a question, obtaining information, subscribing to, reviewing, or downloading a publication, participating in contests and surveys. If you are known to PlanGlobal as a registered user of an online service, we may combine and store personal information about your use of our websites and the online information you have provided with certain other online and offline information we may have collected.

E-Mail Communications – Occasionally, we may send marketing or promotional e-mail communications to you with information that may be useful, including information about the products and services of PlanGlobal and other third parties with whom we have a relationship. We will include instructions on how to inform us of preferences if recipients decide they do not want to receive any future marketing or promotional e-mails from PlanGlobal.

Also, if you send us an email message, we may retain that message and your email address, as well as any response we send you.

Searches – For your convenience, search functions are sometimes provided on our websites. We keep logs of the words searched to learn more about what kind of information our visitors are seeking, and thus improve our services.

Hyperlinks – For your convenience, PlanGlobal website may contain hyperlinks to websites managed by third parties. By activating these hyperlinks, you will leave PlanGlobal’s websites for those of the third parties, which may have different privacy policies and practices than PlanGlobal. PlanGlobal cannot be held liable for the use of such third-party websites.

Individuals Under 13 – None of PlanGlobal’s website material applies directly to individuals of 13 years old or less. Individuals under the age of 13 cannot attempt to register and/or submit any personal information to us.

Individuals Under 18 – No personal information should be submitted or posted on our websites by individuals under 18 years of age. Individuals under the age of 18 cannot attempt to register and/or submit any personal information to us.

No information is collected from online guests under 18 years and therefore is not used for any marketing or promotional purposes whatsoever by PlanGlobal. We do not provide any personal information collected through any PlanGlobal website from individuals under 18 years old, regardless of its source, to any third party for any purpose whatsoever.

11. Changes to the Privacy Policy

PlanGlobal reserves the right to modify or supplement this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make a change to this Privacy Policy, we will post such change on our websites and make such revised policy and change available upon request to the PlanGlobal Chief Privacy Officer. You may be required to read and accept such changes to continue your use of our products and services. However, PlanGlobal will obtain the necessary consents required under applicable Privacy Laws if it seeks to collect, use, or disclose an individual’s personal information for purposes other than those to which consent is obtained unless otherwise required or permitted by law.

12. Contact Us

PlanGlobal has appointed a Chief Privacy Officer to oversee compliance with this Privacy Policy and applicable Privacy Laws. You can contact the PlanGlobal Chief Privacy Officer at:

PlanGlobal Chief Privacy Officer
#43 – 3809 45th St. SW
Calgary, AB
T3E 3H4

Appendix 1

What are “fair information practices”?

In Canada, “fair information practices” with regards to your personal information are reflected in a series of principles developed by the Canadian Standards Association and incorporated into Canadian privacy legislation, designed to ensure that companies treat your personal information fairly, protect its confidentiality and provide how individuals can maintain a reasonable level of control over how their personal information is collected, used, and disclosed. PlanGlobal collects, uses, and discloses your personal information by employing “fair information practices” as described in the following ten privacy principles:

Principle 1 – Accountability

PlanGlobal is responsible for personal information under its control and has designated a Chief Privacy Officer who is accountable for PlanGlobal’s compliance with this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Laws. Contact information for the Chief Privacy Officer is provided in the Contact Section of this Privacy Policy. In addition, our accountability for the personal information we collect continues even if we disclose it to other organizations. For example, whenever we disclose your information to another organization (such as to one of our service providers), we will put in place contractual and other safeguards to help ensure that they appropriately protect your personal information.

Principle 2 – Identifying the Purposes for Collection of Personal Information

PlanGlobal will identify the purposes for which your personal information is collected at or before the time the personal information is collected. Some of the identified purposes for which PlanGlobal typically collects, uses and discloses personal information are described in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy. If we intend to collect, use or disclose your personal information for additional purposes, we will either revise this Privacy Policy (and provide you with notice) or seek your consent.

Principle 3 – Obtaining Consent for Collection, Use or Disclosure of Personal Information 

We will obtain your informed consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, except as permitted by law. For example, we ask that you provide us with your consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the purposes described in Section 3 of this Privacy Policy. You may withdraw consent at any time to some or all the purposes indicated, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. Please note, however, that in some circumstances, we may not be able to provide you with our services if you withdraw your consent to our use of your personal information.

Principle 4 – Limiting Collection of Personal Information

PlanGlobal will limit the collection of personal information, both the amount and the type of information, to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by PlanGlobal. In addition, PlanGlobal will collect your personal information by fair and lawful means, and not by misleading or deceiving you about the purpose for which information is being collected.

Principle 5 – Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention of Personal Information

PlanGlobal will not use or disclose personal information for purposes other than the identified purposes for which it was collected, except with your consent or as required or permitted by law. PlanGlobal will retain your personal information only as long as necessary to fulfil the identified purposes.

Principle 6 – Accuracy of Personal Information

PlanGlobal will endeavour to ensure that your personal information will be as accurate, complete, and up to date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. PlanGlobal will update personal information as and when necessary to fulfill the identified purposes or upon notification from the subject individual. PlanGlobal will not routinely update personal information unless such process is necessary to fulfill the identified purposes. If ever your contact and/or other personal information changes, please feel free to contact us, so that we can update our records.

Principle 7 – Security Safeguards

PlanGlobal will protect your personal information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. For example, the computer servers on which we store your personal information are protected by firewalls and other industry standard security features. In addition, your personal information is only made available to our employees and service providers who have a “need to know” to offer you our services or otherwise fulfil the purposes identified in Section 3 above.

Principle 8 – Openness Concerning Policies and Practices

PlanGlobal will make readily available to you, specific information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information. For example, the most recent version of this Privacy Policy will always be available on the PlanGlobal website at and upon request to the Chief Privacy Officer using the contact information in the “Contact Us” section.

Principle 9 – Individual Access to Personal Information

Upon written request, subject to certain exceptions, PlanGlobal will inform you of the existence, use, and disclosure of your personal information and will give you access to that information. If access is denied, PlanGlobal will notify you in writing, give reasons for the denial, and inform you of the recourses open to you. If access is granted, PlanGlobal will give you a reasonable opportunity to review your personal information. Subject to certain exceptions, you will be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

Principle 10 – Challenging Compliance

You have the right to address a challenge concerning compliance with this Privacy Policy to PlanGlobal’s Chief Privacy Officer.